For most of us it means, Back to School...
What a fun and exciting time for our kids as they begin the process of preparing to return to school. All the new supplies have been lining the shelves in stores for weeks already, the emails with back to school wardrobe ideas have been filling in boxes and parents begin to make lists and preparations while sneaking in as much fun in these last few weeks as possible... It's a great time, and we are enjoying the process around here, but in a very new and different way for us. After a lot of consideration, input from each of our 4 kids, and a lot of research, we are joining the ranks of homeschooling families everywhere. So our preparations began weeks ago with curriculum research, approach considerations, and a school room set up. We allowed our children to have part in the discussion and decision making process, after all this is THEIR education. We had already pulled out our 3rd grader during the school year last year as a result I detailed over at SaveRecess. After my daughter was pulled from art/music/recess without parent consent or permission for MONTHS, we experienced firsthand the detriment that this test driven approach can have on a child. The approach that making a certain test score equates to mastery of content is false and misleading, furthermore, the approach that sitting stifled in a desk for 7 hours makes for better students can't be more off course from what our children need. Homeschooling is not for everyone, I know, I met many who question my rationale and undermine my abilities. I have been confronted with a barrage of questions and challenges and I respect each opinion, but in the end my husband and myself are alone the ones responsible for the rearing of our children and we take that responsibility very seriously. We also feel fortunate that we are in a place where I can take on this new role and we do have this option when so many have no choice but to leave their children in the public school system. I do want to make clear one point, my opposition to public school where my children are concerned has an awful lot to do with the school district we are in, as well as the state of the education system in America. The focus to 'reach for the top' overshadows the true goal of education and that is to encourage life long learners. In the course of one years term a principal who allowed her focus to be skewed to SCORES only, single handedly turned children from eager and excited to bored and frustrated. It is our hope that as we learn and grow together and challenge our children academically that we foster a love for learning and exploring their world. I think homeschooling is a great fit for us. I found a blog post puts it all so well, 5 reasons we homeschool. That post really did put many of my thoughts out there.
This blog will be taking on a whole new transformation over the coming month as we transition into our new normal. Hope you'll come back and visit and follow along with us on our journey.