Can you believe that is my header this time.. gearing up for school ALREADY! I know if summer flew by for me, it did for the kids as well. And as long as it was memorable and filled with learning opportunities it was a success. But now that I have 4 munchkins heading off to school my mind has definately changed gears so we can be as prepared as possible for that first bell come later this month.
So, what are we doing to prepare:
Making Our Fall Calendar.
Cleaning out Closets -donating clothes, backpacks, and school supplies.
Re-establishing routines, bedtime and reading time, bath schedules and chores.
Getting backpacks set up, checking the school supply list and the sale ads.
Visitng the school playground and going over ground rules and helping our kindergartener feel comfortbale in his new surroundings.
Taste testing lunch ideas, trying new recipes and planning menus.
Reviewing what we learned and continued to practice this summer, such as site words and math facts.
Re-organizing the game room to include more study spaces and a reading nook.
And no blog post would be complete without some links - todays topic: LUNCH OPTIONS for school.
I am in love with these eco friendly (BPA free) reusable snack pouches. I first learned of them from
Cool Mom Picks and if you check out the posting at Cool Mom Picks you will see a code good for 20% off your order.
Laptop Lunches are another huge favorite. This is the way I want to package my kids lunch, totally reusable, no waste lunches. We switched from any type of juice containers or milk cartons last year as well as not purchasing zipper storage bags. So we are well on our way to a waste free lunch.
Land of Nod Lunch Punches are making an exciting entry to our lunch routine this Fall. You can also check out the Lunch Punch website for more designs.
Also an option for resusable and kid friendly and BPA free are the EASY BENTO STYLE LUNCHBOXES. These fall among the most affordable of the options.
Want some blog inspiration and some photos to stir your imagination check out these links:
and my favorite thing to check out is FLICKR - here is a link to the general search for kids bento.
Tomorrow's post: Organizing school supplies, school areas, and what to do with all the "things" that come home with your child during the school year.
Before I go I had to talk outloud for a minute, its how I process things best so bear with me and feel free to leave me some input. Last year the Fall flew by in such a whirlwind that I rarely slept, caught my breath, or even blogged. But that has changed because well, all 4 of my kids are heading off to school (though I will still have the joys of toddler fun a few days a week)... So I want to find my niche here in the blogasphere.. I continue to challenge my kids throughout the year with their school work, I dont think it is enough to send them off and expect someone else to train them up and teach them all they need to learn. I also supliment their school lessons (and themes) with field trips and hands on learning that is for the most part being left out of the classroom these days. But I am also venturing into the world of cooking more, from scratch, home canning, meal planning, natural, organic and vegan (when I can). I came a cross a blog by way of a friend, literally two days before the Blog writer took it offline I was so inspired by GREENANDCRUNCHY blog and it disappeared. One of the many things I loved about her blog were her posts using section plates for her kids lunch. I was so in love with the concept and with the imagery of it all. So I have been on a hunt for stainless steel section plates for our snacks and weekend eating. I cant wait to start sharing photos and recipes. It is empowering to teach in all aspects of life, but being able to teach my children to grow what they eat and then understand the true nurishment of thier bodies and that it doesnt come from overly greasy 1000 calorie fast food meals is so rewarding to me personally. We are also very crafty around here and like I mentioned in my last post we are already working on handmade Chrsitmas gifts, so there will be plenty of crafty ideas, shared resources and lts of links to places like FAMILY FUN, MARTHA STEWART and CRAFTY CROW, but also to the dozens of blogs I turn to to find a quick, fun, educational, or charming craft project. I will also get the chance to try products and review them, read books and share my thoughts, it is getting fun.
All this to say, stay tuned the blog may be finished with BIG SUMMER FUN, but we arent done having FUN around here. Thanks for taking the time to stop by and read about our journey, I would love to hear from you if there are things you would like to hear about or see.