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June 17, 2010



I wish I had a favorite ice cream recipe to make homemade. I've never made homemade ice cream and have been so wanting to give it a try! Your Italy studies look so fun. We are doing Galloping the Globe this year and I will definitely be looking back over them when we get to Italy! :) Thanks for sharing!


our favorite is simply, cream, vanilla extract, and honey. Sometimes we throw in a little cane sugar... oh and just as it's finishing or to top it off fresh fruit!!!


We've only done simple snow ice cream where you take sugar, snow and vanilla flavoring and stir. The kids would love to use these!


I blogged about your giveaway here:


We, due to food allergies, don't have an opportunity to eat ice cream. However, I just bought this book: http://www.amazon.com/Vice-Cream-Gourmet-Vegan-Desserts/dp/1587611996 My intention is to make ice cream that my children can eat. Need an ice cream maker, though. Would be great to try one of these.



We just went to our neighbors house last night and had amazing homemade ice cream. It made me want to get something to make our own. So I would love your blog forever if I won! She used the usual recipe and added peppermint extract to taste and a bunch of chocolate chips. It was to die for especially with a brownie : )

Rebecca M

This one is our own creation

2 large eggs
3/4 cup sugar
2 cups heavy whipping cream
1 cup milk
1 banana mashed
1 cup chopped Rolos candies
2 graham crackers crumbled

Whisk the eggs in a mixing bowl until very light and fluffy (1-2 minutes). Whisk in banana. Whisk in the sugar about 1 minute more. Pour in the cream and milk. Whisk to blend. Add to ice cream maker. Add Rolos and graham cracker when the ice cream has thickened.


@holli, I dont eat dairy so I make my ice cream using coconut milk, my fav is a key lime and coconut ice cream that I make.

@rebecca my kids will love that recipe.... we will try it very soon...


Love the Sistine Chapel exercise! Such a creative idea to "immerse" them in Michaelangelo's world. Gonna have to use that one for school next year!!

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