We are starting off getting a clear idea of what life was like in the 50s. We have concentrated on some of the historical aspects, but for the most part the kids are really fascinated in what the average daily life was like. We have studied the architectural changes and the way the suburbs blossomed during this time. Enjoyed learning about the new vehicles of the time, the tv shows, and the activities that kids did when they werent in school. We have some fun ideas for the rest of the week and since I am running short on time I am going to go ahead and give you an overview and then find time at the end of the week to link up photos of what we have done...
For a fun treat you can enjoy LISTENING to the radio of the past at AM 1710 Antioch Old-Time radio..and here are a few of the advertisements that we have enjoyed looking over...
Notice the truth in advertising on that box of cereal "The SUGAR cereal with a fruit flavor" I might just have to visit a cereal aisle again in my life (we swore that stuff off a while ago).. to see if that is how they still advertise.. just made me laugh when I noticed it!
Tomorrow we will assemble our 1945-1959 time lines. These are big cardboard panels and we have been printing photos etc, from the internet, of the things we have found significant. Each of the kids are going to help make a commercial for a product that would have been introduced during the 50s. They will be using the following commercials as examples... (oh they crack me up)
and this one...
We have a 1955 Better Homes and Garden Kids Cookbook
It is filled with simple yet nostalgic recipes, and the photos are just adorable. We will be preparing a meal completely from recipes in this book. And one thing I have discovered is that I am guilty of being TOO hands on in the kitchen.. My oldest, at the age of 10 can easily follow a recipe, has often helped me in preparing meals, but I can say that he has never flown solo on more than simple things like toast and sandwiches... so he has selected what he would like to prepare, he has purchased the ingredients he will need and will be making the dish entirely on his own (with the exception of HEAT - I will be pulling the pans off the stove or out of the oven).. hard habit to break!
We will enjoy more games, this time playing with Mr. Potato Head, Silly Putty, Slinkys, Model Airplanes, Wooly Willys, Kick the Can, Telephone, Hopscotch, Jacks, Pick Up Sticks to name a few.... On Thursday we are going to live sun up to sun down without the modern conveniences of the last 50-60 years.. No microwave, no color tv (thanks to our library they will have I love Lucy, Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best and the Lone Ranger should they wish to watch the tv..but they will not have a remote control either... We will "dress" for dinner, and probably having a blast during the whole day. etc... I hope to tweet about it as the day goes by....We will be making poodle skirts and preparing for our 50s party on Friday, too.
Something that has provided a lot of information was asking those who were growing up during this time for some first hand experiences.. My older kids have written about a dozen questions and will be conducting interviews with some family and friends to get more details and a better grasp of life at this time from those who were living it..
I didnt post a list of supplies earlier in the week because I wasnt exactly sure... The biggest activity we did complete so far was studying the art of the decade and trying our hands at Abstract Expressionism... So if you have paint and paper you are set.... Other than that I had been buying up vintage goodies for a while (check your goodwill).. we have a record player and some 45s for our party on Friday, I did have to buy the Woody Willys, Silly Putty, a few hula hoops, and some slinkys...most everything else we had.. Oh did you know the slip in slide first came out in the 50s... that is a 105 degree day life saver!
Stay tuned for more info, pics and ideas....
Here are some helpful links we have been visiting this week....
I love, love, love this area of exploration for your kids. I'm especially fond of it because it is the era of my childhood and I've so wished that my children and grandchildren could have experienced the innocence and simplicity of that wonderful life. Good for you!
I loved the comment about sugar. Now it would say natural fruit flavor with no added sugar! LOL. And did you notice the Song of the South banner at the bottom of it? You all are having fun times indeed!
I love, love, love this area of exploration for your kids. I'm especially fond of it because it is the era of my childhood and I've so wished that my children and grandchildren could have experienced the innocence and simplicity of that wonderful life. Good for you!
Posted by: Cia Dreves | June 23, 2010 at 12:11 AM
I loved the comment about sugar. Now it would say natural fruit flavor with no added sugar! LOL. And did you notice the Song of the South banner at the bottom of it? You all are having fun times indeed!
Posted by: thyme4me | June 23, 2010 at 08:09 AM